“I stopped waiting for the world to give me what I wanted,
I started giving it to myself”
~ Byron Katie
I see you disillusioned, knowing there is potential inside of you and for you - that you are meant for more.
I see you frustrated with trying and trying and getting the same (or worse!) results.
I see you worried about not having enough - for your family, for your well-being, for your future.
I see you hiding your light in fear and doubt.
You don’t have to struggle any longer.
But I totally get it because for years I was in your shoes.
You want to have the freedom and satisfaction that comes from your soul’s work and being paid well for it, to become a fantastic money manager, to trust yourself, your decisions and your capabilities, to step up boldly in your life and business.
You just have no idea how to make this happen.
My purpose here on earth is to help conscious creators step boldly forward in businesses they love, master their money and thrive in their life.
I’m an intuitive life guide for those who are ready to discover their confidence and power, with ease, flow and their soul’s unique expression.
It’s my mission to help transform the ancestral and self-imposed limits that stop brilliant people like you from moving forward and receiving in a way they know is meant for them.
“It’s not your fault you were fucked up,
it is your fault if you stay fucked up”
~ Jen Sincero
I started my first biz at 25 as a magazine designer in Sydney - on a wing and a prayer. I had been working for a medium-sized publishing company for almost three years, consistently at my desk in front of the computer 10-12 hours a day, 6 days a week. On occasion I was there, alone, late into the night. I remember distinctly the moment when a wise voice within me spoke up at midnight and said “you could be doing this at home for yourself”.
Six months later with a borrowed computer and one referred client I was in business.
Five years goes by and I found myself in crisis. I had lots of clients, good income, but my boundaries were appalling, I couldn’t say ‘no’,
I was a slave to my computer and then I partied to let off steam. Anxiety was at an all time high, my body and soul screaming for a good night’s sleep and something way more fulfilling. I was trying to be loyal to one of my family mottos which said “do whatever it takes, work harder, suck it up and sacrifice” but it just wasn’t who I was. And, my body just wouldn’t take it anymore.
After some deep soul searching, I realised the cost I was paying was way too high.
A neighbour (inspired angel) introduced me to a two year energetic practises course and after embracing nightly guided meditations, I started making life decisions from a place of alignment rather than the outdated expectations of myself or others.
The Universe then provided me with the opportunity I’d been waiting for - which I grabbed with both hands, literally! I packed up and moved to The Blue Mountains west of Sydney and transitioned into my next business - as a heart-centred massage therapist and healer.
I was inspired to become a massage therapist and
start my second business in 2001. It was a huge step on my authentic path - for the first time in a long time!
Massage Therapy had been calling to me for many years - I had studied aromatherapy and dabbled in other natural practises, and I was the one late at a party massaging someone’s shoulders.
I had to give myself permission to follow my subtle, intuitive cues, even though some in my family didn’t approve of my choices to be working with my hands rather than ‘white collar’.
But, I knew by how I was felt I was on the right path.
I just couldn’t crack my income ceiling. No matter what I did I only ever made around $30K. One year I went into overdrive with marketing, doing out-calls for holiday accommodation, working as much as my fingers would handle (and then some). At the end of the financial year I’d made only $2K more.
Bring on applied EFT and money tapping!
I spent every spare moment discovering mentors and coaches who I resonated with, so I could crack my programming and create the life of my desires. I uncovered another family paradigm I had been operating under in my second business “you can do what you love, but there’s no money in it”.
As I continued to explore conscious creation, I also discovered there was more ‘extraordinary’ inside of me. Client’s came to me for my insight and advice just as much as massage and energetic healing. Again, during a session where I was coaching ‘on the table’ I heard that now familiar wise voice “this is what you are meant to be doing”.
I felt compelled to stretch my comfort zone, so I could help more people with my innate gifts and talents.
But, I was afraid to embrace my truth.
I had actual panic attacks when I moved to be more visible as a coach, I shrunk into myself just thinking about going against family ‘rules’ about how money should be earned, how hard you had to work for it and how much (or little) you got to enjoy the fruits of your labour. I became a master procrastinator.
I wanted so much that seemed out of reach. I wanted to move to warmer climes, closer to the sea. I wanted beautiful things and experiences that seemed as far away as the moon. I wanted to transform the lives of others as profoundly as I had transformed my own, but I was stuck.
Nothing like a bout of breast cancer to shake things up.
It propelled me into extraordinary self-care, it created a portal to a far different life. It lit a fire under me with the knowing that life is way too short and precious to hold back from living my fullest expression and happiness.
Not one moment longer.
And now I am creating a living paradise for myself, receiving for my soul’s work, moving boldly forward on my
inspired path and thriving, as I continue to learn and grow into the highest version of myself.
And I want that for you too!
I was raised on an off-grid eco-property in the wilderness of south eastern Australia (total tomboy!)
Dad taught me to ride a horse at 3 years old and drive a tractor at 9
I’ve explored over 25 countries as a solo adventurer
Breast cancer (2017) is one of the biggest blessings of my life
I co-hosted a community radio show called Body, Mind & Soul
After a lifetime of seeking, I had a spiritual awakening in 2010
I love being on the water - big ships, small boats and
anything in between
I am dedicated to my highest lifetime experience and am passionate about guiding you to embrace yours
Jen-Maree Thomas is an intuitive life guide who helps conscious creators discover their power, reimagine their confidence and reset receiving to their soul's blueprint.
Through teaching, writing and speaking services, Jen-Maree specialises in soul empowerment - she guides her clients to embrace their true selves and allow genuine receiving in all aspects of their lives, transforming any limits that stop them from moving boldly forward in an easeful way.
A natural teacher and highly sensitive person it is her mission to encourage and empower.
Jen-Maree is founder of three entrepreneurial businesses - seven years as a freelance magazine designer, then 18 years as a master massage therapist and energetic healer. After surviving and thriving after breast cancer in 2017 she was inspired to a sea change and to create Bring On The Light - her heart centred, soul-led passion.
With more than 16 years experience in the cognitive tool Emotional Freedom Technique, Jen-Maree is an energy alignment expert and draws on over 20 years of healing practises and studying under high level masters to inform and transform her client’s lives.
*Jen-Maree lives in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and whale watching capital of Australia - Hervey Bay and travels to speak and hold workshops around the world.
In this short video training, I’m going to share with you the scientifically-proven cognitive tool that trains your body, mind and energetic system to accept new ways of thinking = fast.
How do we get our unconscious pointed in the direction of what is wanted?
We do tapfirmations!
Using the scientifically proven mind/body tool of Emotional Freedom Technique release the resistance to the affirming statements and reprogram your subconscious mind. Once the subconscious is on board, it is an infinitely powerful manifestor.
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